Investing in a movie is potentially a perilous endeavor. Hunting for the right talent, managing production costs and finding the...
The TrickyScribe: Asia’s largest pet carnival, PetFed - Delhi is all set to kickstart on NSIC Grounds, Okhla, on Saturday....
The TrickyScribe: Eco-friendly Ganesh idol from red soil, alum, organic colours and homemade fish food to help not disturb aquatic...
The TrickyScribe: As the ongoing debate on climate change has drifted from rosy exhortations by world leaders to the gritty,...
If exit poll results come true, Goa is definitely headed to deliver a fractured mandate. Three exit polls conducted are...
Udipt Nidhi & Keshav: Altogether 2,292 cities and towns in India are located in districts which have seen at least...